1 month supply: Advanced Gerson Therapy

Regular price $1,130.00

1 month supply for Advanced Gerson Therapy consists of:

2 Turmeric

1 Univase (400 CT)

2 Gut Restore (60 CT)

1 Saccharomyces Boulardi (60 CT)

1 Vitamin K2 with D3 (60 CT)

1 hr consultation w/Dr. Vickers

5 Potassium Powders

1 Pau D'Arco Tea

2 Milk Thistle Tea

2 Lugol's Solution

1 Enema Bucket

1 Betaine HCL

1 Reacted Selenium

1 Niacin

1 Methyl B12

3 Flax Oil

2 CoQ10

This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Before taking any medication, natural or conventional, we recommend consulting with your physician.